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Partnerships of Hope Branding

Partnerships of Hope Branding

Partnerships of Hope ribbon

Partnerships of Hope ribbon

Partnerships of Hope

Partnerships of Hope

Eradication of Poverty summit brochure. Partnership of Hope ribbon card.

Partnerships of Hope

Partnerships of Hope

Eradication of Poverty summit poster.

Partnership of Hope

Partnership of Hope

Eradication of Poverty summit banner.

Partnerships of Hope

Partnerships of Hope

Emancipation from Poverty banner. Building Partnerships of Hope

Partnerships of Hope

Partnerships of Hope

Partnerships of Hope framed ribbon presentation.

Partnerships of Hope

Partnerships of Hope

Partnerships of Hope framed ribbon presentation to President Clinton.

Partnerships of Hope

Partnerships of Hope

Partnerships of Hope framed ribbon presentation to President Clinton.

Client: The Riverside Church Summit for the Eradication of Poverty


Project: A National call for Action 

Part of the Emancipation from Poverty Initiative

Building Partnerships of Hope Branding


Products: Branding and ribbon design symbolizing the Partnerships of Hope, ribbon cards, banners, poster, brochure and media kit.


The red, white & blue strands of the ribbon and logo represent the commitment to work together towards the emancipation from poverty.  The yellow strand, representing hope, knotted together suggesting the goal can be achieved through “Partnerships of Hope”.


Hundreds of ribbons were hand assembled by volunteers and myself. Panel members and guests wore the ribbon as a symbol of hope. A large-scale ribbon was framed and presented as a gift to guest speaker President Clinton.


The conference focus was to urge influential leaders, from all sectors of society, to commit to a long-term concerted effort to eradicate and prevent poverty, supporting initiatives that make it possible for the poor to maintain a decent standard of living.


Logo 2000 Award for identity


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